Schock Schwere Not, 1996 (Nachdruck 2024)

Fine art print on inkjet photo paper, two-part
Sheet size (H x W): 31.8 x 43.8 cm each
Frame size (H x W): 32.0 x 44.3 cm each
Ed. 1/5

Lot number 18
Minimum bid: 100,- EUR / estimated price 200,- to 300,- EUR


©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©Gitty Darugar
©Heide von Beckerrath Alberts
©Heide von Beckerrath Alberts
©Heide von Beckerrath Alberts
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  • Über das Werk: The work entitled Schock Schwere Not was the contribution of architects Tim Heide, Verena von Beckerath and Andrew Alberts to an exhibition of designs by over twenty architects who had submitted visions for the design of Berlin's city centre as part of a call for projects by the newspaper "Der Tagesspiegel". The exhibition was shown around the turn of the year 1996/1997 in the premises of the Grundkreditbank in Budapester Straße in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Each contribution was accompanied by a full-page article. The series of publications in the Tagesspiegel went on for several weeks.Specifically, it was about Berlin's Schlossplatz and, not least, the Palace of the Republic, which was already closed at the time but not yet demolished. The contribution consisted of a double-sided poster printed in duplex with the dimensions 48 x 70 cm and an edition of 100 copies. One side of the poster consisted of an edited photograph of the Spree Island from a bird's eye view, in which the Palace of the Republic came relatively close to the cubature of the City Palace, which was blown up in 1950, through a double reflection of the building. On the other side of the poster was a quote from the media philosopher and communication scientist Vilém Flusser. The poster was designed by the graphic design studio atelier:doppelpunkt. While the front and back of the poster were printed on a single sheet and hung in a frame in the exhibition, the posters were distributed on the day of the opening and displayed in the exhibition for visitors to take away.
  • Tim Heide & Verena von Beckerath & Andrew Alberts
  • Tim Heide is an architect and co-founder of the architectural firm Heide & von Beckerath in Berlin. From 1996 to 2008, he ran a joint office with Verena von Beckerath and Andrew Alberts. He studied design at the University of the Arts and architecture at the Technical University of Berlin and taught at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and the Potsdam School of Architecture.He was Professor of Building Construction and Design at the Technical University of Berlin and Visiting Professor at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. He has been Chairman of the Board of the Deutscher Werkbund Berlin since 2019. Verena von Beckerath is an architect and co-founder of the architectural firm Heide & von Beckerath in Berlin. From 1996 to 2008, she ran a joint office with Tim Heide and Andrew Alberts. She studied sociology, art history and psychology in Paris and Hamburg and architecture at the Technical University of Berlin. She was a research assistant at the Berlin University of the Arts and a visiting professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig and at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Verena von Beckerath was a fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude and the German Academy of Rome Villa Massimo. She has been Professor of Design and Housing at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar since 2016. Andrew Alberts is an architect and photographer who lives and works in Berlin. From 1996 to 2008, he ran a joint office with Tim Heide and Verena von Beckerath. He studied biology and art history in Cologne and architecture at the Technical University and the Berlin University of the Arts. He was a research assistant at the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technical University of Berlin and teaches at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. His photographic work has been published in numerous magazines and books and exhibited in museums and galleries, including the Architecture Museum of the Technical University of Berlin, the Academy of Arts and the Gropius Bau. (This text has been automatically translated with DeepL.)
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