Hot Day in 1987

Black and white photography and acrylic paint, free mounted
Frame: painted red
Sheet size (H x W): 4.5 x 3.5 cm
Frame size (H x W): 16.3 x 14.3 cm
unique piece

Lot number 36
Minimum bid: 100,- EUR / estimated price 200,- to 300,- EUR



©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©Christian Möller
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©Christian Möller
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  • Christian Möller
  • Christian Moeller is a sculptor and installation artist. He was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany where he lived and worked until he moved to the United States in 2001. As a pioneer in his field, Moeller first gained widespread recognition in the 1990s working with electronic media technologies. His light installations and sound sculptures have won him an international reputation. Over the past two decades he has been increasingly focused on the field of public art. He consistently seeks to present his audience with forms that are open to multiple readings, and moreover readings that can suddenly flip. Underlying his work’s broad-based appeal to civic celebration is a subtle criticality directed toward the political forces that constrain it. Moeller taught as a professor at the State College of Design in Karlsruhe, Germany until he joined the UCLA department of Design Media Arts in 2001. He operates his studio in Downtown Los Angeles, California.
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