Glass Piece 114, 2022

Sculpture/ object, glass
Dimensions (H x W x D): 12.0 x 10.5 x 10.0 cm
unique piece, Certificate of authenticity

Lot number 44
Minimum bid: 5.600,- EUR / estimated price 10.000,- to 15.000,- EUR



©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©2022 Karin Sander/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
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  • An intelligent and relevant project in the centre of Berlin that deserves to be realised. The conversion of a section of the Spree into a swimmable body of water would not only create a unique recreational and leisure opportunity in the centre of the city, but would also make a valuable contribution to preserving the urban quality of life in times of climate change, raise awareness of the importance of the water and its protection, and thus help to improve water quality. The project would also create much-needed new public spaces in the growing city that invite people to relax, play sport and socialise. (This text has been automatically translated with DeepL.)
  • Karin Sander
  • Karin Sander, born in Bensberg, lives in Berlin and Zurich. In her artistic practice she questions given situations in relation to their structural, social and historical contexts and makes them visible using a range of media. With sculptures, installations, drawings, films, photographs, computer-based technologies she stages places and generates new codes for existing systems. Her works have been presented in solo exhibitions and biennials worldwide and are in many public collections such as The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Staatsgalerie Stuttgart; Lenbachhaus München, National Museum of Art, Osaka, Listasafn Ísland - National Gallery of Iceland, Kunstmuseum Winterthur; Museion Bozen.
projekt nachhaltigkeit
projekte des staedtebaus
senat berlin