Flusswolke Berlin, 2022

Sculpture, tubes for truck tyres
Dimensions (H x W x D): 65 x 42 x 42 cm
unique piece

Lot number 43
Minimum bid: 900,- EUR / estimated price 1.800,- to 2.400,- EUR



©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©Linda Rosa Saal
©2024 Jordis Schlösser, Ostkreuz
©Michael Sailstorfer
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  • Über das Werk: “Wolke Flussbad” is a mass of black inner tubes, normally used for truck tyres, knotted together and suspended from the ceiling at different levels, evoking a darkly menacing cloud. Characteristic of Sailstorfer’s oeuvre, the work employs a humorous inversion of his chosen material - the tire tubes that would normally be in motion and in contact with the earth have instead taken to the air, where they hover, perfectly still.
  • Michael Sailstorfer
  • Michael Sailstorfer (*1979 in Velden, Southern Germany) lives and works in Berlin. Since his studies at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich (1999 - 2005) and the Goldsmiths College in London (2003 - 2004), Sailstorfer’s sculptural practice has been drawing upon the kinetic, minimalist and pop tradition of the 1960s and 1970s, inspired by everyday or industrial materials, which the artist de-contextualizes and reconfigures, triggering radical shifts in meaning.
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